We are looking for volunteers to help with 4-H Kid's Market Place on April 19 beginning at 9:00-10:00 a.m. Volunteers are needed to conduct each station the students will visit as they learn personal finance and budgeting. Please call the school office if you are available to help out. Thank you!!
Washington County Schools is proud to be involved in the Washington County Day of Service happening on Saturday, April 20th. This is an opportunity for all of us to be involved in giving back to organizations in our county that provide valuable services to those in need.
Be sure to take advantage of this wonderful event!
Follow the link to read an article about the Creative Arts Night and Talent Showcase:
PTO Creative Arts Night and Talent Show: Come out to see some great acts at the talent show and enjoy all the students' artwork displayed throughout the school. We are excited for our students to share their many talents! Thursday, April 11 at 6:00 p.m.
Check it out! Washington County ITRTs Andrew Smith and Thomas Larimer are featured on the VDOE's ActiVAtED Learning Podcast today: https://www.blueridgepbs.org/educational-resources/activated-learning/
#WashingtonWay @WashCoSuper
First grade would like to give a shout out to our wonderful PTO for providing us with new outside toys for spring! Our students are loving them during recess! Thank you so much!
First grade students at Greendale are participating in the "Pick a Better Snack" program each Friday. Last week we learned about different types of apples and tried two different types. We also learned about oxidation and why apples turn brown after being cut. We can't wait to see what fruit or vegetable we will learn about this week!
Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity for upcoming 5th-8th graders. To register for this camp, please use this link: https://forms.gle/MVNLwojezZfrvuWM9
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! On April 10, you can tune in to the Virginia Dept. of Education's podcast to hear from our very own ITRTs, Mr. Thomas Larimer and Mr. Andrew Smith. These teachers will be highlighted for their work on TECHTREK, the division's mobile STEM and Learning Lab. #WashingtonWay @WashCoSuper Tune in here: https://www.blueridgepbs.org/educational-resources/activated-learning/
Chef Salad Friday with Dr. Perrigan and Kasey B. https://youtube.com/shorts/isy0pyo379o?si=dGhw44MjMfDLB5d5
Don't Miss the Fun!
Programs available from the Washington County Public Library for Kids and Teens
Summer opportunities from the Coomes Recreational Center Below:
PTO Creative Arts Night and Talent Show: Come out to see some great acts at the talent show and enjoy all the students' artwork displayed throughout the school. We are excited for our students to share their many talents!
Thursday, April 11 at 6:00 p.m.
Join the Washington County Public School Team! See our most recent vacancies and apply here: https://www.wcs.k12.va.us/o/wcps/page/human-resources
April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month. https://youtu.be/Elm2FiUoGso?si=tAHKzU2NfBlhkTlQ
Have you ever felt lonely in your parenting journey? Parenting can be very hard and feel lonely, just know, you are not alone. Parent Coaching is a FREE resource provided by your school district that connects you with a coach and content created by therapists. Click here to register for on-going support from a coach: https://cookcenter.info/coaching
Be sure to check out this exciting opportunity for Earth Day!
The Greendale Pride: March 2024