This week, students have been using fraction strips to learn how to create and understand fractions. This hands-on approach is helping them grasp the concept of fractions more effectively.
10 months ago, David Baber- Instructional Tech. Resource Teacher
This week, students have been using fraction strips to learn how to create and understand fractions. This hands-on approach is helping them grasp the concept of fractions more effectively.
Three GES Fourth Graders were surprised by their teacher, Ms. Katie Mitchell, who portrayed Martha Washington and Mr. David Winship, who portrayed President George Washington as they entered the Martha Washington Inn to be recognized for their outstanding work on their George Washington Essays. Ms. Mitchell says she has enjoyed being able to welcome all the Washington County fourth grade essay winners to the Inn each year and to be able to portray such an important historical figure.
10 months ago, David Baber- Instructional Tech. Resource Teacher
Three GES Fourth Graders were surprised by their teacher, Ms. Katie Mitchell, who portrayed Martha Washington and Mr. David Winship, who portrayed President George Washington as they entered the Martha Washington Inn to be recognized for their outstanding work on their George Washington Essays.  Ms. Mitchell says she has enjoyed being able to welcome all the Washington County fourth grade essay winners to the Inn each year and to be able to portray such an important historical figure.
Next week, March 4-8, is National School Breakfast Week. Be sure to show your appreciation for all those to make it possible for the students of WCPS to have a delicious and nutritious breakfast daily! #WashingtonWay
10 months ago, WCPS Central Office
breakfast week
Correction: Schools will be closed on Tuesday, March 5, due to primary elections. Free childcare will be provided at GES for students of working parents from 8:00-3:00. If you wish for your child to participate, please follow the link below:
10 months ago, Michael Colston
School Closed
Be sure to tune in on March 12th for this very informative information about how to help build your child's confidence.
10 months ago, WCPS Central Office
building your child's confidence
Yearbook orders are due tomorrow, Friday, March 1! $30
11 months ago, Michael Colston
Yearbook Order
The Greendale Pride Newsletter--February 2024
11 months ago, Michael Colston
Greendale Pride
Our school is currently reading more than ever during our Read-A-Thon. We want to make this the most successful Read-A-Thon, but can't do it without your support. You can help us be successful by sharing your student's reading donation page and message with friends and family on Facebook. By using the link below to share, you can celebrate your child's achievements and support our school: so much,GREENDALE ELEMENTARY
11 months ago, Brenda Sprinkle
Good evening, Earlier this week we received additional information concerning instructional hours and remote learning. This led to a conversation with VDOE staff which provided a new perspective on our plan to offer virtual instruction on March 5. As a result of this conversation, I am announcing that WCPS will be closed on March 5 and that our last day of school will remain the same (May 29). We hope to offer childcare for working parents of elementary students on March 5. If possible, we will provide additional information in the near future. Thank you, Keith Perrigan, Ed.D. Superintendent Washington County Public Schools 812 Thompson Dr. Abingdon, VA 24210 276-739-3000 @WashCoSuper “Committed to the Success of Every Student“
11 months ago, WCPS Central Office
important info
So thrilled to have Dr. Jerry Jones share his talent and story of being educated in SWVA during Segregation with PHHS students. Check out some of the other Black History Month activities held in @washcovaschools here -…
11 months ago, WCPS Central Office
Dr. Jerry Jones
Hi GREENDALE ELEMENTARY parents! Grandparents are a huge part of our children's lives, and they can be a fantastic support in reaching those reading goals. During our Read-A-Thon, they can help encourage your child by donating to your child's reading goal. To help them get involved, below is a link you can use to easily email them about supporting our fundraiser: Together let's encourage a lifelong passion for reading! GREENDALE ELEMENTARY
11 months ago, Brenda Sprinkle
Correction: The strawberry delivery scheduled for tomorrow, 2/27, has been delayed due to supply. You can pick up strawberry orders on Wednesday, March 6, at the front of the building from 4:00-5:30 p.m.
11 months ago, Michael Colston
We're thrilled to announce that our Read-A-Thon is underway! We're counting on you to make it a success. If you haven't already, please take a moment to activate your child’s personal reader page by clicking on the following link: It only takes a minute or two, and your support will greatly assist us in meeting our financial goals. Thank you for your help in reaching our goal. GREENDALE ELEMENTARY
11 months ago, Brenda Sprinkle
WCPS Students going into grades 5,6,and 7: Be sure to check out this fun opportunity available to you this summer. Registration has begun and spaces are limited, so please check it out and if you are interested, register soon.
11 months ago, WCPS Central Office
CTE Camp flyer
Strawberries will be delivered on Tuesday, February 27. Pick-up will be from 4:00-5:30 p.m. at the GES front entrance.
11 months ago, Michael Colston
Strawberry Pick Up
Dear Families This is just a reminder that schools will dismiss 2 hours early tomorrow, February 22, for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Please make arrangements for your child's transportation. Thank you, Washington County Schools
11 months ago, WCPS Central Office
Important Announcement
It's time for the GREENDALE ELEMENTARY Read-a-thon! Our school Read-A-Thon begins on Monday February 26, 2024 and is sure to be a fun and exciting event. We understand that your time is valuable. We also know that providing the best education for your child is important. That's why we are encouraging everyone to activate their student's Read-A-Thon account as soon as possible. The instructions are straightforward, making it quick and hassle-free, and it should take less than 5 minutes of your time. Watch a short video to see how to signup your reader: This account will serve as a hub for recording and monitoring your child's progress as a Reader in the event, and for you to share their Read-A-Thon message with friends and family. Use the link below to activate your student's Reader account: Thank you so much for your participation and support. Together, we can make this Read-A-Thon an amazing experience for our young readers! Thank you, GREENDALE ELEMENTARY
11 months ago, Brenda Sprinkle
The top three school winners of the George Washington Essay Contest are pictured with George and Martha Washington: Alyssa R., Ainslee M., and Levi J. Alyssa was the third-place winner in the county contest.
11 months ago, Michael Colston
GW Essay Winners
Schools will dismiss 2 hours early tomorrow, Thursday, February 22, 2024, for Parent Conferences. Dismissal will begin at 12:55 p.m. Conferences will end at 6:00 p.m. If you need to schedule a conference, please contact your child's teacher.
11 months ago, Michael Colston
Important Announcement
Be sure to check out these exciting opportunities for our students sponsored by the Washington County Public Library next month!
11 months ago, WCPS Central Office
library activities
library activities